DJ Angel and Strangebrew Toys at the Toycon 2011
Hours ago, we at Brewrats Live anticipated the chance to see DJ Angel in her first official debut as a cosplayer at the Toycon 2011 at SM Megamall
But first, happy to see the Strangebrew toys in the Imagine Nation studios (the creators of the toys) place as one of the booth participants of the said event. We also had an opportunity to talk to Mr. Lawrence, one of the people behind Imagine Nation.You may still catch them tomorrow, June 19 but better to buy those toys. For orders, you may contact him at 09227021798 or go to
And here comes DJ Angel, we're also lucky that our Twitter's online coz that was the only social network platform that she revealed on what she will gonna cosplay: Serah of FF13 (see her Twitter status here)
According to here, she arrived at around 3:30pm but we already saw her at around 5:30pm due to the huge amount of people inside the venue. We saw her in the Transformers booth
Again, we wanna gave her a big thanks for the opportunity of shooting this pic
Strangebrew toys at the Imagine Nation studios booth
DJ Angel as Serah from PS3/Xbox 360 game Final Fantasy 13
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