Tado's guesting at Solar TV's Dog TV (word-by-word)
He was featured in the Dog Star segment of that said show. In some times (if you have a recorded video of this) you may hear some voices from DJ Angel (who's the producer of that said segment). Tado wore a Limitado black shirt with that known Brewrats line "Watching TV causes dandruff". According to DJ Angel, this was shot last December 1 (click here on DJ Angel's tweet about this!) Now for those who didn't have a chance to watch this earlier, here's the "word-by-word" version of this Tado's guesting with his dogs
"I"m Tado Jimenez & this is my dog. On my right is
Betty Mae Sandoval. She is a Rottweiler & on my left he is toy poodle. He is General Macalintal. Well, this is Betty Mae. She is 6 years old or something. She is from the daughter of the loser guy in the Olympics. Who's that guy? Onyok. Yes, Onyok Velasquez (Velasco) & this is General (Macalintal). He is also I think is 7 years old. Yes, He is older &very, very because he is older. General is always snagging Betty Mae. Look, they will fight (as the 2 dogs had a little fight). See? He is very angry & very expressive"
Betty Mae Sandoval. She is a Rottweiler & on my left he is toy poodle. He is General Macalintal. Well, this is Betty Mae. She is 6 years old or something. She is from the daughter of the loser guy in the Olympics. Who's that guy? Onyok. Yes, Onyok Velasquez (Velasco) & this is General (Macalintal). He is also I think is 7 years old. Yes, He is older &very, very because he is older. General is always snagging Betty Mae. Look, they will fight (as the 2 dogs had a little fight). See? He is very angry & very expressive"
On Tado's dogs:
Betty is not so hard to please. I fed her twice a day like this kind of big food like a pellet (that) I bought in pack. Sometimes if I have lots of money, I fed him (her) sawdust(?). General is very sensitive to food. He only likes a specific brand. Ah, we can't say it because you will (find out) the specific brand. General, his favorite is french fries but the doctor says it's not allowed. (As he said to Gen. Macalintal) "No french fries today, no french fries."
I remember this Betty Mae has a sickness. I forgot the specific name. They injected something & they charged me P600. Walah! Its ala na! Here in Marikina, we have a city ordinance that just in numbers. It's like Ordinance 2458 series of 2001 or something. We are required to register our dogs. We pay yearly P75 but that P75 is free with vaccination on rabies. If you don't register or your dog on time, you'll be (issued a) subpoena & you will be penalized of like P1,500 in bail. I experienced that once. (The interviewer asks a question to Tado) Yah, yah. Yah, yah, yah but regular like twice a week. When I make a shower there (they gonna show), I always inspect but nowadays it's like seasonal eh. Sometimes more, sometimes it's less. It depends on the weather. Oh Betty Mae, she is like a (Tado said a particular command phrase to Betty Mae 8 times) Betty Mae when she was a baby, I put her her (Betty in a lying position & Tado said that command phrase 2 twice & he tickled Betty's chest parts) "Betty, dami mo ng libag!" Very entertaining, right?
On planning to have a dog as a pet:
Oh if you want to take care of dogs, (it) depends on your place but I suggest you'll take care of guard dogs & one toy dog but I like General. A good combination, a guard dog & a toy dog so your toy dog has a guard like that.
Yah, Rottweiler is very dangerous but you know like humans if you take care them well, they cannot be dangerous. They will follow you.
"This dog is like yah, you get fight between them & you'll enjoy the fight. (To) have entertainment & for security guard that you'll not pay SSS. Yah, lovable!"
"Hi, guys! This is General Macalintal & this is Betty Mae Sandoval. I'm Tado Jimenez & you're watching Dog TV."
(photo courtesy of Dog TV FB page)
(photo courtesy of Dog TV FB page)
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